Satsang with Swami Shankarananda: Bhagavan Nityananda - June 2 2018
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Listen to Swami Shankarananda's Satsang talk from Saturday, June 2nd on the theme of the great Indian sage and spiritual head of our lineage, Bhagavan Nityananda. Our yoga is part of a line of masters that stretches back to antiquity. In modern times the central figure is Bhagavan Nityananda (circa 1885-1961), the mysterious sage of Ganeshpuri, India. Bhagavan taught mainly in silence, and his disciples absorbred his teaching by simply sitting in his company. When he did emerge from his inner absorbtion and give teachings, they were recorded by his devotees. In this talk, Swamiji will share his wisdom and interpretation of Bhagavan's great utterances, and fill the room with laughter, bliss and Shakti, or an abundance of spiritual energy. Listen and meditate on the great wisdom and energy of this tradition.

To come to Satsang in person visit The Ashram at 27 Tower Roud Mount Eliza, VIC 3930. Visit our website at or call (03) 9775 2568 or email for more information. 

  • Author: The Ashram Mt Eliza
  • Category: Religion & Spirituality:Spirituality

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